Welcome to Finca La Capellanía

Our estate is called Finca La Capellanía and our organic extra virgin olive oil is also called Finca La Capellanía. If you wish to learn more about Finca La Capellanía, then click here!
It is the olive harvesting time of year in Andalucía, Spain and during the last few weeks, we’ve have had plenty of rain so the olives are as big as they are ever going to get. Three commercial varieties of olives grow on Finca La Capellanía, Picual, Manzanilla, and Arbequina. Then there is the wild olive called acebuche that grows everywhere on the estate.
Now all the olives grown on Finca La Capellanía, grow without a single droplet of chemical and that includes fertilizers. The land is as virgin as it gets and so is our olive oil.
At the moment the olives are in the veraison stage therefore at their optimum for producing the kind of organic extra virgin olive oil we enjoy.
Maybe you too are an artisan olive oil producer, so look around and I assure you that you’ll learn at lease one thing you didn’t know before. As a matter of fact, l suggest you begin by going to the about page and if we have never met before today, then the learning will have begun and I will have keep my promise. Thank you for dropping by!